A Brief History of Syvahl

I have been listening to some new podcasts lately, especially trying to target some Dungeon Mastering and World Building shows to help make me better with building and running my own world. Just the other day I was listening to this episode of the Dungeon Master's Block about time lines and had a burst of inspiration. Here is a brief overview of the known history of Syvahl, as I expand into working on other continents, this time line will be stretched to take them in to account as well.

The Age of Isolation (0-547)

The Age of Isolation is a long period of time that begins the current time line on Syvahl. This age begins with the gods of Erylia creating and shaping the races of the world. At this point, the races lived within their own regions.

The Age of Discovery (548-871) 

The Age of Discovery is a period of time where the races of Syvahl started to branch out of their racial homelands.  

The Age of Conflict (871-1014)

The Age of Conflict is a period of time after races began to meet and interact one another. During the period, tensions began to rise as the different people's contested the new areas that they discovered. Some of these conflicts resolved peacefully, some resulted in all out wars.

The Age of Peace (1015-1253 [Present])

Currently, the land of Syvahl is in an Age of Peace. Conflict and tension of the past has died down and the races of Syvahl have come to largely work together. Some races chose to remain somewhat in isolation, preferring their homelands, but borders are open to all and though some may face descrimination, no races have blatantly conflicted with one another in the current Era. 

Written By : 
Damian the DM
Originally Published : 
January 10, 2019
December 23, 2023
Updated On : 
December 23, 2023