EE-3-6 - This Isn't Over

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Podchaser - Adventures In Erylia


The party remembers they had one last thing to do in Port Norsal before they were distracted by The Midnight Carnival. On the morning of their planned departure, they head over to City Hall to meet with someone from one of the leading families and let them know what had happened with Grimfang. Once that info has been passed along, they head back to The Iron Cask to set sail to return to Riven. Though the ride of the ship is comforting, someone’s new demons make it clear they are not done yet…


This episode is brought to you by Gabe and Jeff, over at Inter-Party Conflict, Fred on Fyre, Evora Dawn, MotoGhoul, and Polka Dancer. If you'd like to join them in supporting the show, consider joining our Patreon.


Daniel Lee – We have to continue giving a shout out to the wonderful artist we have been working with these past few months, Daniel Lee. We now have art for two of the Dragonbonds, Grimfang’s Spear, and are currently having a portrait done for Biri Yarjerit of The Mages Guild. He has been a treat to work with and we cannot wait to get this new character art out to you all. This art is all made possible by our wonderful Guild Members on Patreon, consider joining to help us have even more art created for the show!


Damian - The DM

Chris - Rem

Christa - Ariel

Chantalle - Kenina

Caitlin - Tempest


If you like what we have been doing, consider joining our Patreon. You can donate monthly to show your support and help us cover our operating expenses, as well as potentially fund upgrades and other media going forward.

Have Discord? Want to hang out with the cast? Maybe even get in a game with us? Join us on our Discord!


Adventures in Erylia a part of the GonnaGeek Network of shows. You can find us and many other geeky shows over on


If you'd like to know more about the music featured on the show, check out our Music Page.

Fimbulwinter – Vindvsept (Intro)

Tavern Loop One – Serpent Sound Studios (3:21)

Evening in the City – Michael Ghelfi (4:13)

Hopeful – Monument Studios (5:03)

Fireplace Warmth (5:21)

() Stars Above – Dark Fantasy Studio (8:17)

Motivation – AndySV (9:01)

Bear’s Dance – Cadies [Jamendo] (9:14)

Motivation – AndySV (9:28)

() Stars Above – Dark Fantasy Studio (9:33)

Leaving Today – Purple Planet Music (10:19)

() Stars Above – Dark Fantasy Studio (10:31)

Elegant Dinner Party – Tabletop Audio (11:10)

Improvisation For Harp – Monument Studios (11:11)

Spring Morning – Adrian von Ziegler (12:55)

Fantasy Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (12:59)

() Stars Above – Dark Fantasy Studio (15:36)

Fireplace Warmth – Monument Studios (15:37)

Improvisation for Harp – Monument Studios (17:01)

Elegant Dinner Party – Tabletop Audio (17:03)

Fireplace Warmth – Monument Studios (17:19)

() Stars Above – Dark Fantasy Studio (17:24)

Elegant Dinner Party – Tabletop Audio (20:16)

Improvisation for Harp – Monument Studios (20:17)

Fantasy Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (21:03)

Spring Morning – Adrian von Ziegler (21:06)

Library – Michael Ghelfi (22:03)

Ambience Cello – Monument Studios (22:06)

Fantasy Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (37:28)

Spring Morning – Adrian von Zeigler (37:28)

Ossuary 6 – Air – Incompetech (37:34)

Fireplace Warmth – Monument Studios (39:42)

() Stars Above – Dark Fantasy Studio (39:42)

Improvisation for Harp – Monument Studios (40:04)

Elegant Dinner Party – Tabletop Audio (40:10)

Fantasy Medieval City – Michael Ghelfi (40:56)

Spring Morning – Adrian von Ziegler (40:59)

Horseback (no background) – Michael Ghelfi (41:05)

Ossuary 6 – Air – Incompetech (41:16)

Docks District – Tabletop Audio (43:17)

Set Sail (Whistle) – Joel Steudler (43:18)

Reverie – Vindsvept (50:49)

Anticipation Theme – Monument Studios (51:48)

Light of the Sea – Vindsvept (58:56)

Ocean Waves Ambience – Distant Sea and Seagulls from Cabin Window – Fusehive (59:40)

Night of Mystery – Serpent Sound Studios (1:03:08)

Sea or Ocean Waves – Calm Closeup – 03 – Fusehive (1:03:18)

Alpha – Adrian von Ziegler (1:05:41)

Night of Mystery – Serpent Sound Studios (1:06:58)

Red Mystery – Serpent Sound Studios (1:07:47)

Night of Mystery – Serpent Sound Studios (1:20:09)

Cold Flame – Joel Steudler (1:21:19)

Inner Turmoil – Joel Steudler (1:27:06)

Scary Theme #4 – AndySV (1:33:44)

Cold Flame – Joel Steudler (1:35:11)

Last Stand – Vindsvept (Outro)


Portions of our background audio is courtesy of Syrinscape. They have a great mixer that we run through our set up while we record to help build the scene during our sessions. If you’re interested in trying out Syrinscape for yourself, they have provided us with a link to a 30 day free trial. These sections all have Syrinscape running in the background:

Battle Bards

Thank you to BattleBards for opening up their songs and sound effects library for use in the show. You can sign up for your own BattleBards account here which will automatically add our coupon code to your account. Or you can use the coupon code Erylia for 15% off when you subscribe to BattleBards Prime!