EE-1-6 - Land Ho! (Don't Tip the Boat Over)

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Podchaser - Adventures In Erylia


As the party approaches Port Norsal, after their now 6-day journey, the crew of the ship gets to do a bit of whale watching as Tempest spots a pod of orcas approaching from the distance. After hearing they are nearing their destination, Rem tries to get himself thrown off the boat. Meanwhile, Kenina trades some cooking techniques with Miri, offering to give her some spices and teach her how to use them, while being taught how to work with seafood.

During their last night on the boat, Rem has yet another nightmare. He sees himself back at the outpost he used to run, with all of his companions, including Nyxi, Kenina, Ariel, and Karemn. All of them, slain by the bandits who overtook the outpost. He jolts awake as their leader thrusts a longsword through his chest and tells him “Olsyr is mine, old man.” While he takes some time on deck to calm down, he and Tempest have a peaceful conversation about the journey behind and going forward.

As the group wakes up, on the 20th of Belenus, they all gather up their gear and get ready to make port. Kenina says her goodbyes to the dwarf who had been helping her and Rem fish and tries to learn a little bit more about the group’s current quest. She is joined by Ariel to go and try to convince Tempest to come along with them on their journey, where Ariel and Tempest learn that they actually grew up in the same monastery together.

The Whispering Winds finally reaches Port Norsal, and the party leaves the ship, being four members strong, once again.


This episode is brought to you by Gabe and Jeff, over at Inter-Party Conflict. If you'd like to join them in supporting the show, consider joining our Patreon.


Dungeons and Randomness – An actual play podcast with a very large cast of characters set in the homebrew setting of Theria. If you want to just jump right in, start on Arc 2, where the world jumped forward a few years and the show switched to using Dungeons and Dragons – 5th Editiion.

Dael Kingsmill (Monarchs Factory) – Dael runs a fictional web series following a group of Australian werewolves in their day to day lives, not being wolfed out. She is also a dungeon master and occasionally does videos related to D&D and being a DM, which is how I found her. She was the inspiration to the furthering development of my DM Binder.


Damian - The DM

Chris - Rem

Christa - Ariel

Chantalle - Kenina

Caitlin - Tempest


If you like what we have been doing, consider joining our Patreon. You can donate monthly to show your support and help us cover our operating expenses, as well as potentially fund upgrades and other media going forward.

Have Discord? Want to hang out with the cast? Maybe even get in a game with us? Join us on our Discord!


If you'd like to know more about the music featured on the show, check out our Music Page.

Fimbulwinter – Vindsvept (intro)

Open Ocean – Tabeltop Audio (3:51)

Nereid Ocean – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (4:08)

Fresh Air – Incompetech (8:17)

Seagulls – Syrinscape (9:43)

Cobalt – Scott Buckley (11:03)

Ambience – Syrinscape (13:45)

Black Flags – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (19:13)

Open Ocean – Tabletop Audio (21:00)

Eidolon – Scott Buckley (21:29)

Reign of the Dark – Adrian von Ziegler (26:47)

Beyond the Veil – Adrian von Ziegler (28:43)

Open Ocean – Tabletop Ocean (31:02)

The Shaper’s Realm – Vindsvept (32:14)

Nature Elves – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (34:05)

Ambience – Syrinscape (34:58)

Horizon Flare – Serpent Sound Studios (41:41)

Open Ocean – Tabletop Audio (42:10)

Forgotten Gold – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (50:55)

Ambience – Syrinscape (51:57)

Zen Garden – Derek & Brandon Fietcher (1:05:46)

Open Ocean – Tabletop Audio (1:09:03)

Heavy Heart – Incompetech (1:18:17)

Ambience – Syrinscape (1:18:53)

Last Stand – Vindsvept (Outro)